Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 3 and 4

Yesterday was really Day 3, but it's evening so this is 4 also. Yesterday, I gave a private drawing lesson to a beginner,and that took up most of my energy for the day.. After that, I made tabouli from some wonderful parsley I found at a farmers' market.

I didn't have time to do any art work today, but I had a phone meeting with Barb, and we discussed adding a 'painting a day' plan to the days we are not working on another art project. We are talking about the 6x8" format that many painters use for these 'learning' oil sketches, called 'pochades'. The point is to develop brush work, color skills, and composition skills. Barb and I are meeting next Tuesday to begin working on the brushwork book, and will probably begin a 'demo' from that book, ie copying the authors' step by step painting.

Israel: I picked up the painting I did of the bomb victim, the woman in the hospital, today, from Erna's attic, and plan to work on mounting it on a huge piece of Luan that I bought at Home Depot a week or two ago. It is painted in acrylic on paper. When it is finished I will post it for you all to see. I have decided not to post my old Israel paintings here, unless there is someone reading this who has not seen them yet. E.g. the picture of the bus stop in Afula, the picture of a fishing boat on the Sea of Galilee, the young Israeli soldier in Jerusalem...the old paintings already posted a while ago. If anyone wants to see them, please comment here, and I'll be glad to send you those.

Up 2, down 2, sounds like a box step dance...but it's my weight. I'm holding but need to do better than that. Went to a meeting today, and that is the situation. Writing down what I eat is KEY! Yesterday, I did some weeding and a couple of exercises, (including special deep knee bends that are supposed to not hurt the knees) and today, both knees hurt so much I am having trouble walking. By the way, this section may include a lot of just skip it if it gets on your nerves.

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